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039 - Square jardiniere

This is a very simple yet attractive project. A square jardiniere in late art nouveau style, very easy to make, perfect for beginners or to produce it in large quantities. It is an old English design restored carefully in the computer.

The pattern is made mainly for 1/4 inches wood or for 6 mm wood, but of course it can be resized at will. This table gives the dimensions of the jardiniere depending on the wood you use:

Height Width
1/4 in. wood 8,1 in. 7 in.
6 mm wood 19.5 cm 16.8 cm
3/8 in. wood 12,1 in. 10,5 in.
9 mm wood 29.2 cm 25.2 cm

Please note that this pattern is registered and copyrighted. If you would like to have it I offer it for 7 € plus shipping. The pattern is computer made, which provides total precision, and nicely printed for convenient scrolling. Please write me to [email protected] to buy this pattern or for any questions.

This picture has been sent by Tom Cocks from the USA. He is a member of the Carolina Scrollers scroll saw club.

This picture has kindly been sent by Francisco José Moreno Gómez from Albacete, Spain. This picture has kindly been sent by Ester Arditi from Israel.
This picture has kindly been sent by Jose María Boga Jarazo from Spain. This picture has been kindly sent by Manuel Pina from Cáceres, Spain.
This picture has been kindly sent by Joaquín Beltrán from Baecelona, Spain.

© Copyright 2024 Pedro López Rodríguez. All rights reserved.